Monday, October 25, 2010

Explain y individuals who hold aids habitually capture diseases that occasionally affect other relations.?

Explain y individuals who hold aids habitually capture diseases that occasionally affect other relations.?
People with AIDS own lowered immune systems. Their body can't fight stale diseases and viruses as slickly as others who are not affected by it can. Therefore, they take sick... a lot, and usually enjoy a shorter life.
AIDS=acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. the push button word is immunodeficiency or lack of immune factor that fight bad disease. the AIDS virus attacks and destroys the body's natural disease war ability. in need this the body succumbs to diseases that rarely effect others.
because relations with aids do not own a immune system to fight of other diseases and aliments that regular healthy inhabitants can. Aids rids your body of your natural antibiotics and germ combat blood cells so you don't really own the ability to collide off colds and flu's and virus and infections and so on. I have Lupus which is resembling Aids however it is NOT contagious or as dangerous as AIDS. Yeah I draw from sick easier and more often but I live a pretty middle-of-the-road life and if I do draw from sick it just take me a little longer to win better.
Because by definition AIDS breaks down the immune system so AIDS patients are far more susceptible to diseases and germs that are easily fought bad by a normal immune system.
because when you hold aids you are more prone to get other infections....aids is a virus be if someone sneezes on you than you have a difficult risk of catching that cold than someone whose' immune system is not being attacked by your own body.
because they do not hold enough infection warfare cells due to the overload of combat off what they are already infected next to.
The Aids virus reaches such a giant level that wrecks a person's immune system and leaves them defenseless. Because of this that afterwards leaves their bodies open to infections not found contained by healthy folks.

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