Friday, December 2, 2011

Funny voice?

my son sounds like he conversation trough his nose.What make people nouns like that?Funny voice?
have he always spoken similar to that? changes within vocal sounds are slightly normal however i agree beside the first answer though, deviation of the septum may be a cause. ensure that your son is have no problems breathing or has a sensation of swelling and the such and of late keep any eye on the condition to see if it change back or stays impossible to tell apart.
Headaches and facial discomfort may also be an indication of sinus problems
deviated septum most likely

Fulvic acerbic or apple cider vinegar for penis discoloration on the skin outside and on the director of it?

what will clear up any uneven skin blemish color tones on the come first of the *** as well as the outside sheath of the applicant that covers the head etc.? Thanks...Fulvic acerbic or apple cider vinegar for *** discoloration on the skin outside and on the director of it?
This sounds serious. I suggest immerse your *** in sulphuric acerbic for about fifteen minutes.
If I be you, I would consult a doctor. You may end up next to a bigger PROBLEM than what you stated with.

From experience, which foods to avoid if u hold hiatus hernia?

From experience, which foods to avoid if u hold hiatus hernia?
I have hiatus and the lone things I watch out for are thoroughly acid things.I guzzle most foods with no problems, but must not overdo it.. Little and habitually is the best idea.. Not too much wine and beer. Must run surrounded by the family. My brothers own it also.
Remember Hiatal Hernial has three degree that depend on the size and anatomy of the Hernia. Don't worry too much just about a diet if your classification of HH is one, just remember to mute high tubby and fried meals, and continue at least 45mins to an hour back laying down or going bed. For classification 2 and 3, avoid those meal that require a laborious digestion process, like fat, proteins. Remember to increase fibers and measure the amount of food to drink; then loaf before lay down or going to bed. Important cases may need antacid treatment and/or surgery.
Anything fried.
Anything spicy or greasy
Avoid anything spicy and sour, like oranges. A buoyant lunch with boiled potatoes help.
There seems to be a reluctance to make surgery. Not a nice " illness" to bear and the prescribed tablets don't cure you.
I've have a Hiatus hernia for 3 years and I've found that these obvious donate me acids...Curry,chilli,coffee,sp... sauces,milk,fizzy pop,fresh orange liquid and anything garlicky. Normally fine if I take my omeprazole though :)

Frequent urination when drinking coffee or alcohol??

I just entail to know if I need to see a doctor or not. When I drink coffee or alcohol It seem that I urinate more frequently then alot of other populace. People have told me that I urinate alot when I drink beer. Its usually 3-5 times within one hour. I also feel hold felt tired ever since I have my son which was 2 years ago. I bring mood goes from one sentiment to the next frequently too. I gain headaches sometimes but its particularly rare. Do you devise there is something worse, or do you feel its just how my body is?Frequent urination when drinking coffee or alcohol??
Yes, see a doc. Stop drinking both presently.
Alcohol and coffee are eneuretics - ie they make you pee profusely.
coffee and alcohol definitely clear you go more. some those are much more affected than others. if it's not up with other drinks approaching water, or your have to get up at hours of darkness alot I wouldn't worry. Also, you know have a baby weaken muscles/resistance to a full bladder. The mood thing - wow you enjoy a 2 year old, and go is stressful. As they say, try to stop and smell the roses.
It is merely how everyone's body should be. Both alcohol and caffeine are diuretics and make you pee abundantly. In order to counteract this handling, you should drink a lot of hose down or fruit juice.
Note: A lot of inhabitants think that "alot" is a word. It isn't. The correct mode of saying it is two words "a lot".

Frequent bowel movements..extremely strange?

hi...i have frequent bowel movements resembling 3 a day and usually relatively a large one too. sometimes its soft, sometimes its firm, but not diarrhea. i do put away a lot of fiber. after drinking a meal, similar to breakfast and lunch, i usually have a bowel movement, next i feel hungry again. does that close-fisted i'm not absorbing the nutrients? is frequent bowel movement like mine bleak or strange?Frequent bowel movements..extremely strange?
First of all turn and see a doctor, you might be having problem near your stomach or intestine. But you might want to limit your intake of fiber instead devour apples or banana. Lessen your intake of soda, coffee, iced tea and milk products.
Hi, Cut down on your fiber intake your getting to much.
Three bowels movements a day is just what the doctor ordered...! It's normal.
Fiber is a angelic thing, contained by general we tend to not grasp enough. People guess what is normal is to hold a stool infrequently and are worried when they have multiple ones within a day. It is commonplace to have three a daytime based on your diet, this is run of the mill and healthy for your gut. You are absorbing nutrients only just fine.

Freeze away for wart?

I have this mole on my leg that the doctor say is not cancerous, it's just annoying because I hit it when I shave, plus it's unsightly when I'm wearing shorts. Do you suggest Freeze away would work on it? I know it's not for moles, it's for warts, but isn't that how they remove moles at the doctors, by freezing them?Freeze away for wart?
Dear Serenamorris_70:
I don't estimate you should try the over-the-store brand Freeze-away on your moles. Rather consult your doctor before you apply this please. I hope this help!
No, only a doctor can establish the best way to remove a mole. Trust me, freeze away would probably purely mutate it. My sister has a reoccuring mole which have had to be surgically removed twice.. it's not as undemanding as freeze away.. so for your own good, don't even try it.
Moles are usually numbed and cut rotten, not frozen. I wouldn't try freezing it, since you can seriously damage respectable skin this way.

Free Ringtones and iphone relieve?

Okay first i need to know where on earth you can get free ringtones? and second i call for to know how to make a song your ringtone on your iphone?Free Ringtones and iphone relieve?
first return with a program on your computer to download music. (i.e. napster, limewire(free), morpheus) whichever you prefer. after you download the song you want, go to . you sign up for free and cause a user name. later you can upload the songs you just downloaded and it will transport it to your phone via text message.
I be in motion to this site for ringtones. Check them out.
You are totally in the wrong category.
You inevitability to be asking cell phone questions contained by cell phones & plans, NOT in the Cancer Q&A
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