Friday, December 2, 2011

From experience, which foods to avoid if u hold hiatus hernia?

From experience, which foods to avoid if u hold hiatus hernia?
I have hiatus and the lone things I watch out for are thoroughly acid things.I guzzle most foods with no problems, but must not overdo it.. Little and habitually is the best idea.. Not too much wine and beer. Must run surrounded by the family. My brothers own it also.
Remember Hiatal Hernial has three degree that depend on the size and anatomy of the Hernia. Don't worry too much just about a diet if your classification of HH is one, just remember to mute high tubby and fried meals, and continue at least 45mins to an hour back laying down or going bed. For classification 2 and 3, avoid those meal that require a laborious digestion process, like fat, proteins. Remember to increase fibers and measure the amount of food to drink; then loaf before lay down or going to bed. Important cases may need antacid treatment and/or surgery.
Anything fried.
Anything spicy or greasy
Avoid anything spicy and sour, like oranges. A buoyant lunch with boiled potatoes help.
There seems to be a reluctance to make surgery. Not a nice " illness" to bear and the prescribed tablets don't cure you.
I've have a Hiatus hernia for 3 years and I've found that these obvious donate me acids...Curry,chilli,coffee,sp... sauces,milk,fizzy pop,fresh orange liquid and anything garlicky. Normally fine if I take my omeprazole though :)

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