Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does anybody know untimely notice signs of parkinsons disease?

Every once in a while I will be trying to slump asleep and all of a sudden my body jerk, almost like i be just struck by lightning, this does not begin every night, but every so recurrently, can anybody tell me what this is, and if so, is it connected to parkinsons?Does anybody know untimely notice signs of parkinsons disease?
I really hope not because this happen to me from time to time. :)
It's called a hypnagogic myoclonic twitch or a hypnic joggle. It can be caused by not getting plenty sleep. Tremors and muscle-locking would be more symptomatic of Parkinson's disease.
If you overdue it by staying up for extreme hours your body will let you enjoy it like that. But you may hold a pinched nerve that a chiropractor can fix beside a adjustment. That means bin liner up your body. Getting all of your bones subsidise in a straight smudge so all of the blood flow will flow and the bones won't pinch your nerves that rationale the fast jerk and shocking feeling. Your fine. Cranial conesiologist could also back you. That is not the signs of parkinsons desease. If you start to have tremmors after you might ask that question to a neaurologist.
"eshinee" is fairly correct in her answer. But please, it's so effortless to run a search for rash symptoms. Try it next time.

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