Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does anyone else hold this funny problem?

I can't stand my bellybutton. I wish it weren't within. When I think something like it, I can feel a bit burden right where it is. No one can touch it, except for me when I own to wash it. And even consequently, I feel for a while queasy afterward and have to fib down for a couple of minutes.
PS I'm an innieDoes anyone else hold this funny problem?
truely sad... if your a girl... belly buttons are hot
Belly buttons can be completely cute, why are you so worried?
If you are getting queasy from pushing on your belly, I would talk to a doctor.
I bet you really like that one commerial with the girl whose belly button talk or sang or something.
What are your inner health on belly button lint. I get that sometimes, but I don't preserve it in a jar similar to my cousin Frank.
belly buttons are a funny thing lol next to me i cant stand for mine to be touched either. it make me feel the urge to urinate its crazy . i dream up it has to do beside the nerves that run thru your stomach evidently mine is attached to my blader lmao

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