Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does anyone enjoy a great home remedy for controlling a horrific cough.?

Does anyone enjoy a great home remedy for controlling a horrific cough.?
Cough syrup is made to help expectorate, if you enjoy NO fleme or nothing to expectorate, it will product coughing worse and make your lungs bruised.
Take PLENTY of marine. I can't stress this enough
Stop taking cough syrup
Do you own a vaporizer? Use it. A/C can cause the atmosphere to become very dry and irritate your respiratory system.
If you step to the doctor, ask if he can prescribe stteroids to prescribe steroids, the cough will go away resembling magic.
I hope that you grain better : )
I have hear that if you rub Vick's Vaporub on the soles of your feet, it will catch rid of the cough.
Try Buckley's cough medicine. Tastes vile, but it works.
thaw tea or lemonade with honey and lemon(in the tea of course) or add on a shot of whiskey. not much you can do but ride it out.
microwave an orange for thirty secondsm later eat it. if sore throat try gargle with thaw out salt wet.

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