Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does any one know a virtuous home remedy for GERD ?

I also have difficulty breathing when I go and get these attacks. I feel resembling belching all the time to acquire air into my lungs.Does any one know a virtuous home remedy for GERD ?
Home remedies for GERD should be combined next to medications. GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) may head to erosive esophagitis (your inflamed esophagus begins to shed its lining), which may head to a precancerous condition called Barrett's Esophagus, which lead to esophageal cancer. I have see this happen to nation in their 30's. Please, please see your physician. He/she will recommend a medication (there are even over-the-counter ones) as economically as give you diet information. GERD isn't "purely heartburn and indigestion". It can be deadly.
Stay away from spicy foods
Drink milk
tilt your bed up 4-6 inches on the team leader side for sleep. You can put blocks of wood under the legs of the bed

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